
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

More on the Media

Both these are from todays Front Page Magazine. The first by William A. Mayer is a satirical bit on how today's media would be likely to report the Allied invasion on D-Day.
Casualties at day's end are nothing short of horrific; at least 8,000 and possibly as many as 9,000 were wounded in the haphazardly coordinated attack, which seems to have no unifying purpose or intent. Of this number at least 3,000 have been estimated as having been killed, making June 6th by far, the worst single day of the war which has dragged on now--with no exit strategy in sight--as the American economy still struggles to recover from Herbert Hoover's depression and its 25% unemployment.

To read this is to see how negetive and cynical out almost useless media has become. In the second link Thomas Patrick Carroll gives his take on why the media is unable to see the horrors commited in the name of Allah while obbsessing over our every mistep.
So why is the liberal media so gentle with our Islamist enemies? What is it about the mindset of contemporary liberalism that predisposes it to be circumspect toward a belief system that, by the left’s own traditional standards, is absurd and repugnant?

A great deal of the answer lies in ‘multiculturalism,’ the latest addition to the cluttered closet of liberal fads.

I think these are both worth a read.
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